
Hybrid Solar Power Station 15 kW, Protsiv

About the Case

A project for a Hybrid Solar Power Station for a private house in Protsiv has been implemented. Now, the residents of the house will have an autonomous power supply during outages and will also save on electricity costs thanks to their own solar generation.

The system operates automatically without requiring human intervention and does not incur additional operating costs for fuel, etc., compared to a generator.

Technical Specifications

Nominal power of photovoltaic modules 16.4 kW
Inverter power 15 kW
Peak short-term power of the inverter in autonomous mode (excluding batteries) 30 kVA
Switching time of the backup load to the batteries <40 ms
Battery capacity at 90% discharge 18.4 kW·h
Backup load supply time (at a consumption of 4 kW·h with the battery fully charged) 4.6 hours
Project Implementation Duration 5 days

Equipment Package Composition:

Panel FEM DahSolar DHN‐72X16/FS‐585W 585 W, 28 pcs
Hybrid inverter Deye SUN‐15KSG01HP3‐EU‐АМ2 - 3-phase, 380 V, 20 kW, 1pc
Battery Battery Deye BOS‐G ,51.2 V, 5120 W·h, 4 pcs

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